Convert 123 - Units Conversion Software

Convert 123 is our unit conversions calculation software for converting between hundreds of different units of length, area, mass, weight, flow rate, volume, power, pressure, temperature, velocity and more.

Convert 123 Software

We promote our web site by offering the Convert 123 software for Free.
That's right, you can download, install it and use it completely free of charge. Convert 123 Unit Conversions Software Download However you can also buy Convert 123 with your logo on to promote your company
We'll remove the PipeFlow branding and replace it with YOUR LOGO and Web Address
and you can give it away royalty free to promote your business and web site!

Promote your company with Convert 123?

Providing a very useful and free unit conversions software program helps us to promote our company and our Pipe Flow brand, introduces us to potential customers, and helps bring new visitors to our web site.

If you had a copy of Convert 123 with your name and logo on instead of ours, you too could give it away for free to promote your business and bring people to your web site!

Should you buy Convert 123 with your logo on?

It's a well known fact that any company can significantly increase traffic to their web site by providing something useful and free for people who visit their site.

Giving away something of value for free on your web site gives people a reason to visit your site. It gives your company a reason to produce a news releases, a reason to email people, a reason to tweet on twitter (for example,, 'we've given away over 1000 copies of our free unit conversions software since DD/MM/YYYY. Get your copy here ...'

With this in mind, why not purchase your own customized copy of Convert 123, which includes your company logo and your details instead of ours and which links back to your web site. Buy Convert 123 Units Conversions Software You can then let people download your version of Convert 123 from your web site and every time they use it, they (and people in their office) see your company name and logo. What's more, when someone asks 'where did you get that conversions program' they'll be told it was provided for free by you at and thus you'll likley get another visitor to your web site.

Before you know it, a couple of users recommend it to a few of their friends and colleagues, who in turn pass it on to their colleagues and you can quickly get a viral marketing campaign that drives people to your web site and promotes your company.

Convert 123 - Give it away as a download from your web site?

Why doesn't everyone give-away something like this for free? Well the answer is that it costs a lot of money to design and develop software, often many ten of thousands of pounds.

However, Convert 123 branded with your company logo and web address, both of which can be clicked to open up your web site, is now available for an amazingly lost cost - probably for less than you would spend on a two line advert in a trade magazine.

We add your logo and details and email you a self contained installation executable program that you can give away for free, add to your web site for people to download, and all of this is provided royalty free! It really is an amazing proposition. Where else could you get your own software designed for just a few hundred pounds?

Convert 123 - With your logo and web link for only £295 GBP

It's a one-off fee. There are no royalties to pay. You get a license to give-away and openly distribute a copy of Convert 123 that displays your company name, logo, and web address.

How to get your branded copy of Convert 123 in less than 24 hours:

That's it. We will email you back within 24 hours, providing you with a professional installation executable file that will install your copy of Convert 123 with your company name and logo on. You can then give this away royalty free and make it available as a download from your web site to increase visitor numbers (giving away something of value for free, gives people a reason to visit your web site).
Buy Convert 123 Units Conversions Software

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Pipe Flow Software
Pipe Flow Software: Piping design, Pressure drop calculator, Flow rate calculator, Pump head calculations, Pump selection software.  Copyright © Pipe Flow Software 1997-2025