Convert 123 Software (with your logo) License Costs

Our free copy of Convert 123, has been downloaded over 25,000 times:
It's a great utility for calculating and converting between different engineering units.
Why not purchase a copy that is customized to include your company name, logo and web link, instead of ours, and use it to give-away and promote your own business and web site?
Our Convert 123 Software is an easy-to-use utility program that performs hundreds of conversions between many different units. It's invaluable for any engineer and in fact is very useful for just about everyone. Having a branded version with your company name and logo on is a sure fire way to promote your business and bring people to your web site because you genuinely have something of value to give to them for free.
Purchasing Options
(you can then give it away for free to promote your business)
Currency: £1.00 GBP converts to approximately $1.33 USD or €1.20 Euros
Convert 123 with your Company Name, Logo, & Link to your Web Site:
There are no further license costs. Once you have purchased your own branded copy you can give it away for free. There are no royalties to pay.
Simply make payment using a credit card and then Email with your Purchase Token, your web address and a 350 x 65 pixel graphic image in bitmap (.bmp file) or jpeg (.jpg) format that contains your company logo and branding.
That's it. We will build a customized version of Convert 123 with your branding instead of ours. We will even produce a professional self extracting installation executable that installs your copy of Convert 123 to computers running Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.
Within 24 hours, we will email you with the your own Convert 123 installation executable and it's then yours to give-away to promote your company.