Pipe Flow Expert Software - Annual License and Support Renewal
Low-Cost Annual License Renewal
The low-cost license renewal is only for users that have an exisiting license.
Unrivalled Support, Help with Modeling Issues and Free Software Upgrades
The low-cost Annual License renewal extends your current software license for a further 12 months from when it ends, and provides ongoing technical support, help with modelling issues, and free upgrades.
The Pipe Flow Expert software will tell you when the current license has less than 30 days remaining. You can then purchase the low-cost Annual License Renewal at any time, and we will email you a token that allows you to generate a new license once your current license ends.
Simply add the Annual License Renewal to your shopping cart and then 'Checkout' in the normal manner, making payment with your credit card. You will automatically be emailed an invoice and a receipt that confirms your license renewal.
Full Version - Annual License Renewal (includes support and free upgrades)
Renew License for 12 months. Includes support and free upgrades.

Renew License x2 for 12 months. Includes support and free upgrades.

Renew License x3 for 12 months. Includes support and free upgrades.

Renew License x4 for 12 months. Includes support and free upgrades.

Renew 5 User License for 12 months. Includes support and free upgrades.

Renew 10 User License for 12 months. Includes support and free upgrades.

Lite Version - Annual License Renewal (includes support and free upgrades)
Renew License for 12 months. Includes support and free upgrades.

Renew License for 12 months. Includes support and free upgrades.

Benefits of Annual Licensing for Users of Pipe Flow Expert
Benefits of the Annual License with Technical Support:
We aim to provide world-class, unrivalled support, and in order to maintain a high level of service and fast response times, we need to ensure that all users contribute towards the value they receive.
We charge a low-cost annual license renewal and support fee, which is by far the lowest in our industry for this type of software. In 2023, we made our first annual license renewal price adjustment since 2008 (we kept renewal prices the same for 15 years; you can see, we do not raise prices every year).
We want all users to be able to run the very latest version of the Pipe Flow Expert software:
It provides significant benefits to users, including improved capability and productivity, and it allows us to provide outstanding support by focusing on one version of the Pipe Flow Expert software.
In simple terms: We continually improve the Pipe Flow Expert software and users benefit from free upgrades, world class technical assistance, and a very high level of unrivalled support. Everyone pays the low cost Annual License Renewal fee and everyone shares in the benefits this brings, which includes ensuring we are here to help you and provide great support when you need it.
Version Upgrades:
You will be free to download and install the latest version of our Pipe Flow Expert software, which will ensure you have the best software for designing and modeling your pipe system, and for calculating the flow rates and pressure drops throughout your pipe system. Product upgrades give you access to latest features and functionality, making you more productive and saving you even more time and effort.
You will be able to use the 'Move this License' option from your current program in order to transfer it to a new computer (free of charge). This process generates a removal confirmation number, which you email to us, together with the product code from the installation to a new computer. We then generate and email back a new license code. Your software will always be up to date, and you can move between computers.
Email Support:
You will gain access to our engineers via email support (and telephone support when needed) for issues related to the set up of the program and how to use a specific feature. While not all questions related to engineering know how are covered under support, we will always try to help within reason.
We do try to help with modeling issues where the user is looking for guidance on the best way of modeling a particular scenario, but for legal reasons we cannot provide specific engineering advice. The Annual License includes Support and also covers all installation issues and operating issues.
Telephone Support:
Telephone support can be provided for all installation issues, including moving a license to a new machine. We can also provide telephone support for technical modeling issues if necessary, however these issues and others related to operation of the program and functionality of the software, are normally handled by email.
See what existing users think about our Pipe Flow Software, Service Level, and Support:
Customer Testimonials about Pipe Flow Expert Software and Support.