24 Pipe Flow Expert Example Systems

General 03 - Gravity Flow to 3 Outlet Points

Figure 18 General 03 - Gravity Flow to 3 Outlet Points

Gravity Distribution to 3 outlet spray positions each at 3.5 ft elevation, supplied from a tank at 8 ft elevation with 6 ft liquid level.

Click the Calculate button to solve the system and display the flow rates on the drawing. Once solved, use the mouse to hover over a pipe, a node, or a component, to display the calculated results in a pop-up pane.

Modelling a 'Tee' fitting:

Tee fittings are a special case where the flow rate through the tee will be different for each flow path, therefore two fittings should be used, one fitting on each flow path. The correct flow rate along each path will then be applied to the appropriate 'Through Tee' or 'Branch Tee' fitting coefficients when calculating the fitting pressure losses.

In this example the pipes sizes that connect to the tee are unequal. The fitting sizes used are matched to the pipe sizes as appropriate.