This section contains a collection of systems that illustrate how to combine the individual items demonstrated in the common gas examples, to form simple compressible gas models.

The collection of models comprises:

  • Compressed Air Distribution - Calculate pressure losses and flows around ring main loop. 

  • Methane Pipeline - Calculate the pressure at locations within a 24 mile long methane pipeline.

  • Natural Gas Pipeline Distribution - Find the pressure when operating at maximum gas flow rate. 

  • Pipeline Inlet Pressure - Find inlet pressure needed to transport natural gas along 36 km pipeline.

  • Pipeline Loss per 1000 Feet - Compare pressure drop per unit length in short and long pipelines.

  • Pipeline with Multiple Takes-offs – Check maximum operating pressure in a gas pipeline.

  • Pipeline with Looped Section – Reduce losses to meet required outlet pressure after 41 miles.

  • Pipeline Looped Energy Saving – Use looped pipe section to save energy (compressor power).

  • North Sea Natural Gas – Find pressure required at source points in natural gas collection system.

  • Pipeline Elevation Change - Calculate extra pressure needed to raise gas to higher elevation.

  • Pipeline with Four Distribution Points – Find inlet pressure to achieve minimum 30 bar.g at outlet.

  • Compressor Station Location – Position to ensure maximum operating pressure is not exceeded.