This section contains a collection of larger systems, drawn in isometric mode. These models combine the use of multiple items to produce more complex non-compressible liquid systems. 

The collection of models comprises:

  • Child Water Cooling - Model a chilled water piping system across several buildings.

  • Chilled Water Campus Cooling – Calculate flows, pressures, & pumping requirements. 

  • HVAC Three Pumps - Model heating ventilation and air conditioning system with fan coils.

  • AHUs Single Pump - Distribute chilled water over three floors of a building. 

  • Water Distribution System - Pump water from six reservoirs through pipe network to 26 outlets.

  • Water Circulation System - Circulates water around pipe loop, with multiple take-off points.

  • Fire Protection Sprinklers - Model pumps in parallel to delivery flow to numerous sprinklers.

  • Fire Protection Water Mist – Calculate flow rate from high pressure piston pump to 36 sprinklers.