You do not need a license code to run the trial version of the Pipe Flow Expert software. When the License Screen is shown, the software may be run by clicking the 'Run Free Trial' button.

The software is initially supplied in trial mode and this allows users to draw their own ‘small’ systems and gives access to the Example Systems, where the user can view the pipe model and ‘solve’ the system to see the calculated results. 

The trial mode is intended to give users a means of assessing if the software is suitable for their application. Certain features of the software are fixed for the trial version. The trial mode operation is not intended to give full access to the software.

In trial mode, Pipe Flow Expert allows the user to: 

  1. Load Example Systems – no changes to the model are permitted.

Solve Example Systems to find the balanced steady state solution.

View Calculated Results on the drawing, in spreadsheet format, and in PDF reports.

  1. Draw New Systems up to a maximum of 5 pipes – fluid is always set to water.

Solve the System.

View Calculated Results - in trial mode, systems cannot be saved.