Those of you who have previously purchased software from us will already be assured of our reputation and will not be concerned about receiving the software via download. However we understand that as a new customer you may be concerned that you do not get a CD with the software on. 

If we provided the software on CD it would be the exact same program that you can download from our web site (in fact the web site will always carry the very latest version of the software). Having a CD would not allow you to install and enable the software on multiple computers, since each installation would still generate a unique product number and would require a matching license code.

When you purchase a program from our web site, you will automatically be emailed with a unique purchase token and an invoice/receipt that confirms your purchase. This is all you need for proof of purchase and we will always be able to confirm your purchase in our database.

We have sold software via download for over 15 years. We are not one of those companies who you will not be able to contact or get a response from. As our existing customers know, our service and assistance with any issues you may have is worth far more than just having the software on CD.

We do sell a license to use a copy of the Pipe Flow Expert software on a USB drive. When this option is purchased, we send you a ‘Pipe Flow’ branded USB drive and allow you to license this. This provides a completely portable copy of the software. There is nothing to install. The USB drive can be plugged in to any Windows based computer and the Pipe Flow Expert software can then be run directly from the USB drive, up into the memory of the local computer.