The Selection tool button, DrawToolButtonSelectionGroup02.dib, allows a group of nodes and pipes to be selected, as described in the previous section. It is possible to use the options on the edit menu to rotate the selected group either 90 degrees clockwise or 90 degrees anticlockwise. The mirror or invert features can also be applied to the selected group.

The Mirror Selection button, DrawToolButtonMirrorSelection02.dib, can be used to mirror the selected group.

The Invert Selection button, DrawToolButtonInvertSelection02.dib, can be used to invert the selected group.

Pipe Flow Expert does not allow one node to be placed over the top of another node, or over the top of an un-related pipe. This restriction is applied to prevent confusion.

When the rotated, or mirrored, or inverted group are added back to the drawing the action may be disallowed if the above conditions apply. The selected group will have to be re-positioned to allow the items to be ‘dropped’ back onto the drawing pane.