To add fittings to a pipe: 

A screenshot of a computer??Description automatically generated

Figure 65 - Fittings & Valves

  1. Tap the Fittings button on the calculation panel to open the Fittings screen.
  2. The fittings on the pipe will be shown. 
  3. Tap the Add Fitting to Pipe button to display the Fitting Database.

Figure 66 Fitting Database

A list of available fittings will be shown for the current pipe size.

  1. If required, change the nominal size by selecting from the metric or imperial drop-down list, to display the available fittings and their associated K value for a different size.
  2. If the fitting is not in the Fitting Database list, tap the Create Fitting button to add the new fitting to the list.  For more information about adding a fitting to the database, see: Adding a Fitting to the Pipe.
  3. Tap on a fitting from the list to add it to the fittings on the pipe.
  4. The selected fitting is displayed in Fittings screen.
  5. Select the position of the fitting on the pipe to be either Entry or Exit and select the quantity of each fitting from the Qty drop down list.
  6. To add additional fittings to the pipe, repeat Steps 3 – 9.
  7. Tap Done to add the chosen fittings to the pipe, and to close the Fittings screen.