Channel Flow Calculator for part-full flow conditions

Pipe Flow Advisor can calculate the water flow rate, water depth, volume of water, and weight of water flow in a channel. It can also calculate the length of pipe expansion under various conditions. The calculations for flow in channels can estimate:
- Flow Rate of Water in Part full pipes.
- Flow Rate of Water in Part full rectangular sections.
- Flow Rate of Water in Rectangular channels.
- Flow Rate of Water in Flat bottomed channels (with sloping sides).
- Flow Rate of Water in Vee channels.

Water Channel Flow Rate Calculation
Select the 'Water flow rate' option.
Select a Manning coefficient for the pipe material.
Enter pipe length, diameter, fluid depth & vertical drop
Choose the flow rate units required.
Click to calculate water flow rate in the channel.
Water Depth Calculation
Select the 'Water Depth' option.
Select a Manning coefficient for the pipe material.
Enter pipe length, diameter, fluid depth & vertical drop
Click to calculate the depth of water in the channel.
Note: The maximum flow rate through a circular channel occurs when the water depth is approximately 93.8% of the internal diameter of the pipe. Select 'Max Flow' to calculate the maximum flow possible.
Volume & Weight Calculation
Select the 'Volume and Weight' option.
Enter pipe length, inner & outer diam, & fluid depth.
Select or set the pipe material density.
Select or set the fluid density.
Click to 'Calculate Volume & Weight'.
Channel Length Expansion Calculation
Select the 'Length Expansion' option.
Specify current pipe length.
Choose the change in temperature.
Click ot 'Calculate Pipe Length Expansion'.
Next: Weir Flow Calculator