Figure 47  Common Gas 04 – Flow Control Valve

Some of the flow in a pipeline is diverted into a branch line and delivered at 300 psig. The flow rate required is 19.0 MMSCFD. The pressure in the pipeline branch would create a flow rate which exceeds this flow rate. A Flow Control Valve (FCV) has been added to pipe P3 to control the flow rate to 36416.655 lb/hr (19.0 MMSCFD).

Flow rates specified for Flow Control Valves (FCVs) should be entered in Gas Flow Units (SCMH,SCFM, etc) or Mass Flow Units (kg/s, lb/sec, lb/min, etc). When solved the software calculates that an additional pressure loss of 357.074 psi is added by the Flow Control Valve, in order to limit the flow rate to the specified value.