To display the Image Properties dialog, click the Drag and Move Items button, DrawToolButtonDragAndMove02.dib , followed by the Edit button, , at the top left of the image to be modified.  

Enter the desired width and height (in pixels) to scale the image.  The image will be dynamically scaled.

The original image size and aspect ratio can be restored by clicking the appropriate Reset button.

The image transparency can be adjusted by using the Fade image slider control.  Moving the slider to the left will increase the transparency of the image, whilst moving the slider to the right will decrease the transparency.

A colored image can be made black and white (Grey Scale) by selecting the Grey Scale check box.

Select the Hide Image checkbox to conceal the image (whilst keeping the image object on the drawing).

Graphical user interface, application??Description automatically generated

Figure 101 Image Properties

To change how the image appears relative to other system drawing elements, click Display Layer and select the required option as follows:

Display Layer


Layer 1 – Above Grid Lines

The image will be positioned on layer 1, above the grid lines.  
The grid lines will not be visible regardless of the image transparency.

Layer 2 – Behind Grid Lines

The image will be positioned on layer 2, behind the grid lines.  
The grid lines will always be visible over the image.

Layer 3 – Behind Layer 2

The image will be positioned on layer 3, behind layer 2.
As images are added to the drawing they are layered over the previous image(s).  Layer 3 allows the user to change the layering (z index) of the images on the system drawing.

The image can be permanently removed from the system drawing by clicking the Delete Image button.