If the fluid you are using does not exist in the Pipe Flow Wizard fluid database, you can quickly add the fluid to the database by clicking the Add Fluid button on the Fluids screen.

NOTE: Be sure to enter the value for the fluid’s properties in the units displayed in the column header. For example, if you are using imperial units, oF for Fahrenheit is displayed under Temperature in the Temperature column.  The temperature value in this case should be entered in degrees Fahrenheit.

To add a new fluid to the fluid database:

  1. Click the Fluid button (Liquids or Gases ) on the calculation panel.
  2. Click the Add Fluid button.
  3. On the confirmation dialog that is displayed, click Yes if you want all current fluid properties in the Fluid Properties section to be cleared, otherwise click No to retain the current fluid property values so that you can modify them as required.
  4. Enter the fluid’s name in the Name field.
  5. Enter the fluid’s formula in the Formula field.
  6. Enter the fluid’s temperature in the Temperature field.
  7. Enter the fluid’s density in the Density field.

  1. Enter the fluid’s viscosity in the Viscosity field.
  2. For a liquid, enter the fluid’s vapor pressure in the Vap. Press. field.
  3. For a gas, enter the fluid’s specific heat ratio in the Specific Heat Ratio field.
  4. Select whether the fluid is a liquid or a gas in the State drop down field.
  5. Click Save to save the new fluid data to the Fluid Database.