In the footer of each result panel is the status bar.  Tap the Share button to open the Share Action Sheet and then tap Copy Data….

Figure 12 Results Share - Copy Calculation Action Sheet

Menu Items


Copy Data to Find Flow

Copy the data of the active calculation to the Find Flow calculation.

For more information about copying calculations, see: Fitting Sizes

Copy Data to Find Diameter

Copy the data of the active calculation to the Find Diameter calculation.

For more information about copying calculations, see: Copying Calculation Results for use in another Calculation

Copy Data to Find Length

Copy the data of the active calculation to the Find Length calculation.

For more information about copying calculations, see: Copying Calculation Results for use in another Calculation

Copy Data to All Calculations

Copy the data of the active calculation to the All other calculations.

For more information about copying calculations, see: Copying Calculation Results for use in another Calculation


Close the Copy Calculation action sheet.

The Copy Calculation action sheet is context sensitive and therefore will not include the active calculation in the menu.